Creating an online club, or a dating site or a matrimonial site was never this easy before. With Red5chat your website members will always get more to do. The key-factor of Red5chat is, its free, Open Source and there is no need for addons. Your site members will have the full liberty to do what they want. From audio/video chat to multi-linguistic chat, from multi-chat rooms to multi-webcam viewing; Red5chat allows even much more to do to make itself a complete chatting device.
But there is a bit more to make Red5chat complete and it is a Streaming Media Sever. Deployed on a Red5 server gives the Red5chat users complete freedom to utilize it. A Red5 server is an open source media streaming server. It is not only designed to stream great amount of live media but also for recording, live stream publishing, and Flash remoting. Red5 servers are also open source which it much more valuable in comparison to the other streaming media server present in the market. Hence, to give your site members what they want, there is no better option than Red5chat along with a Red5 hosting.